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288 entries.
Joan Haselman Joan Haselman from Roanoke Rapids wrote on September 22, 2022 at 3:11 am
Saint Charbel, my sons and two of their friends are going to the Beach for four days. Kindly be with them in a special way, protect them from sin, help them to think and talk about God, please bring them home safely and with a deep love for God. Thank you with all of my heart.
Joan Haselman Joan Haselman from Roanoke Rapids, NC wrote on September 22, 2022 at 3:06 am
Thank you, Saint Charbel, for being such a wonderful Saint. Thank you for your prayers for us. Please pray for me to be and do all that God is calling me to be and do.
Jodi O Jodi O from Parma Ohio USA wrote on September 21, 2022 at 10:40 am
What an amazing Saint that I just recently learned about! He’s here for our times. Thank you God for giving St Charbel to the world. I am praying for a special miracle healing for my son.
Aravil Aravil from Tacurong wrote on September 13, 2022 at 6:43 am
Praying for good health, protection and financial blessings.
Rebekah Giusti Rebekah Giusti from Carmichaels wrote on September 11, 2022 at 10:06 pm
I am asking for justice and protection for my work situation and with Marcus and that he stop getting away with lying and hurting people. Let everyone see his real colors
Elaine Meroney Elaine Meroney from New Orleans wrote on September 7, 2022 at 8:55 pm
I am asking that my petition of healing be put on all of the alters commemorating St. Charbel. My 7 month old nephew, Everett Marc in ICU in New Orleans. He had RSV that took a toll on his lungs. Please heal his lungs and entire body from the damage caused by this virus and make him healthy enough to survive after removal from the ECMO machine and other medical interventions taken over the past 9+ weeks while in the hospital. He is a beautiful and loving baby of a family of very strong faith. Please answer our prayers. We will be forever grateful to you and spread your good works. Amen. PS. I heard of your miracles from a gentlemen, who I think was an angel, while I prayed at the Shrine of Blessed Farther Seelos. We need a miracle, please hear our prayer.
virginia borrelli virginia borrelli from Lowell wrote on September 5, 2022 at 1:14 pm
fascinated by this wonderful saint- I am a former catholic schoolteacher very sick with lyme disease and others I will pray for healing love to all Virginia from Massachusetts
Alba è Maurizio Alba è Maurizio from Roma wrote on September 4, 2022 at 5:49 am
Saint Charbel con Santa Rafka proteggici difendici liberaci!
Rebekah Giusti Rebekah Giusti from Carmichaels wrote on August 28, 2022 at 9:24 am
I am in need of a miracle. The situation with my dad’s caregiver taking advantage of him, please provide justice in this situation and help my dad to recover and heal. Help the additional unspoken issue that is harmful as well. Thank you for hearing and helping. Thank you!
Louise Louise from England wrote on August 23, 2022 at 4:24 pm
Pls can keep in prayer my husband and I owe lot of money and debt please pray my house get good work and pay all our debts soon.pray for my husband the gland in his arm won't be cancer ours and he be healed in your most holy name
Elie Elie from doha wrote on August 13, 2022 at 9:09 pm
Dear st Charbel please pray for my father to be healed soon and get well, pray for my mom and family. thank you
martyn milroy martyn milroy from Endeavour Hills wrote on August 11, 2022 at 12:08 pm
saint charbel is truly a powerful saint could you please mail me a relic of saint charbel and saint maroun. i prayed to saint charbel and he healed my spine and hips of the pain from arthritis. i am praying for my grandsons to excel in studies and for my daughter to secure a job as general manager and for gino to secure a job for mytwo priest brothers to be holy and make a major contribution in sri lanka as priests towards drawing converts to the catholic faith
milroy martyn milroy martyn from Endeavour Hills wrote on August 11, 2022 at 12:03 pm
i prayed to saint charbel to heal my hips and spine and the pain is gone i plead st charbel to bless m y two grandsons with the gifts and fruits of the holyspirit and excel in their studies that my daughter be blessed with an increase in her salary and be promoted to general manager of her company for gino to secure a permanent job for my wife to love me for me to be holy and be able to go for daily mass. that i may be able to get my books published and that i may be able to do some work for god through the church that i may grow in holiness like st charbel and saint maroun.that my two priest brothers be truly holy priests and be gifted with graces ofhealing and perform something great for the church in sri lanka that being secretary of the bishops conference fr tony will make the cc of sri lanka grow that fr angelo will be given more responsibility in the church of sri lanka please dear saint charbel and st maroun bless these two grandsons of mine with deep love for god let my daughter pray the rosary daily in her home and go to sunday mass bless her job and dont let her work so many hours help her in her job to perform excellent bless me oh god thrugh the intercession of st charbel and st maroun that i will grow in hoiness like your two saints charbel and st maroun and go to daily mass.
Tania Sandeep Tania Sandeep from Cochin wrote on August 10, 2022 at 2:54 am
Saint Charbel please pray for my children. Nathaniel (3 years) is having atopic dermatitis please pray that he is completely cured from it. Natalia (1 year) her head circumference growth is in borderline. Please please please pray that it becomes within normal limits. Please pray that both my children have good health and that they grow well both physically and mentally.
Judith Ryan Judith Ryan from Sanford wrote on August 7, 2022 at 4:32 am
Hello Saint Charbel I have never heard of you before until I saw a video about you on YouTube. I have so much to be thankful for and have been so blessed! I am in deep depression and ill and in dire need of a great physical healing and prayers to help me become more faithful and have stronger faith! I have been in pain for years! I have been blessed and have had prayers answered and am thankful. however, I have always been in pain and now found out I have more serious diseases. I have been searching for years for a stronger faith and asking for forgiveness of my sins. I try so hard to believe and pray and to be good. However, I just lost my baby sister, Joanne , December 26, 2021! She suffered from cancer for three years and I mean suffered! She never missed a day of prayer for three years and never missed saying the rosary for the three years with her excruciating suffering! It’s been seven months and I can’t get over it! It doesn’t seem to be Real that she is gone! I promised her I wouldn’t let anything happen to her and I prayed for her healing. My Prayers and everyone’s prayers were not answered and sometimes I have a hard time with that even though I know our prayers are sometimes not answered and that we will never know the reason why not while on earth and that hinders my faith. I know it shouldn’t, but I am only human! Please pray with me that she, my mom, dad, and Aunt and all the departed are in heaven! Please help my 11-year-old granddaughter, Sophia, and grandson, Alec, to stay safe in school and while riding the bus and not to become brainwashed in school about Gayism and CRT. Please keep them and all my family safe from harm and keep them healthy. Also, please, Saint Charbel, intercede with me to pray for my son, Timothy, who needs healing of his esophagus and anxiety and a job he can be happy in and for my grandson, Matt, who has anger issues because his biological father left him and my daughter, Jennifer, when he was born. They all have problems with worry and anxiety. Please also intercede for my daughter , Jennifer, to keep her safe and healthy too and all my grandchildren, Matthew, Mikey, Kaylee, Daughter-in-law Amanda, son-in-law Jameel, granddaughter-in-laws, Alexandra and Rachel, and great-grandchildren, Madelyn and Dominic ! I don’t feel I am worthy to even ask for favors because I don’t go to church! It’s scary to go because of all that is going on nowadays! It is horrible and disgusting what is going on! I pray for the world! There is so much sin against God’s law! I just don’t know what else to do or how to go about all this except to try and keep my faith and pray! I pray that all of my family come back to God and start to pray and teach the children about the Bible! My son went through a horrible divorce and has been with his fiancé for over ten years. They have two children together, my beautiful grandchildren! They never got married and I don’t believe they will, but I pray that someday maybe they will get married and stop the drinking too much alcohol. I know that it’s not easy for my son after going through such a horrible divorce over 10 years ago. It really really affected him mentally! He is such a kind and giving good person just like all my grandchildren and daughter and great grandchildren! I also pray that you also can help me with my anxiety from my husband who has bipolar disease, which is so very hard to live with! I’m not easy to live with either with my illnesses, depression, anxiety, and OCD. I believe the bipolar Disease is hereditary and that my son, Timothy, and my grandson, Matthew, may also have the same disease and I pray for all that healing ! Thank you for listening to my plea for help and my family and myself and the whole world! Sincerely, Judith
Maria Maria wrote on August 5, 2022 at 12:10 am
I hope to marry soon
Daniela Faraone Daniela Faraone from Burwood NSW, Australia wrote on August 4, 2022 at 10:48 am
Please heal my father he is unwell and doesn't really move from bed please take away his cancer and make him better
Nancy Nancy from Eau Claire wrote on August 4, 2022 at 2:54 am
Please, Saint Charbel, pray for my husband. Cure him of his illnesses. Hear my prayer.
Daniela Faraone Daniela Faraone from Burwood NSW, Australia wrote on August 3, 2022 at 2:57 am
Please heal my father Giuseppe Faraone make him better and take away his cancer and pain.
Colleen C Colleen C from Connecticut wrote on August 1, 2022 at 6:28 am
Thank you for this website. God Bless Saint Charbel.