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288 entries.
Renuka De Silva Renuka De Silva from Ja ela Sri Lanka wrote on July 31, 2022 at 10:30 am
I am a Catholic mother of 2 sons living in Sri Lanka.Since 20 years I am struggling with Family and Financial troubles.My Husband is not faithful to me because he has many casual Relationships with other women. My Husband is a Catholic but he worship Kali. He has tried to Destroy my life to doing many Witchcraft and Blackmagic since 1999 year.Since more than 23 years I am struggling with Witchcraft Attacks. Since over 13 years he has a Secret Relationship with a woman years younger than my Husband.That Women is trying to marry him.She is also doing many Witchcraft against me. My Husband has got 3 Sisters.They are unmarried.They are also doing Witchcraft against me because they likes when our Family breaks. Now I am sick since 15 years.I am suffering with Arthritis,Diabetes,Highblood Pressure,Kidney protineuria ,Asthma ,Heart trouble and Gastritis.I’m taking lot of Medication for my all sickness. I have sleeping Disorder and have to take daily Sleeping tablets.I have lot of obstacles to Pray and go to the Sunday Masses. My Husband is wicked Person.He is harresing me.I’m not allowed to visit my parents. I have only my Parents no brothers or Sisters. Please pray for my Husband to get out from unwanted Relationship.To break that Relationship with other women. My Husband’s name is Boniface.Please pray for to St.Charbel to get healing and Blessing.Please Pray for Boniface to stop doing Witchcraft ageinst me.I’m in critical situation now.I have lot of difficulties to walk even 5 steps.I’m suffering with Arthritis in my both feet.My Ankle is paining and swollen .I have Gastric troubles also.I haven’t got any Appetite and my stomach is always Bloated.Dear Father I am helpless please pray for me.I am also Praying to St.Charbel every day to heal me and get out from troubles.Please send me a reply.Thank you.God bless you. Father when you can please send me a Novena Book and a relic from St.Charbel.I will be thankful to you forever.I am sending a Family Picture please Bless the Picture.Thank you.
Linda Minix Linda Minix from Carencro wrote on July 29, 2022 at 3:09 pm
St Chabel after encountering your movie that was made so wonderfully I can not stop thinking about you and praying for your intercessions for my son Tyler to be healed from drug addiction and all psychological physical and mental problems as result of the addiction. I just and have faith that the Lord works miracles through you! Thank you Lord for working through St Chabel!
MILAGROS AYSON MILAGROS AYSON from Woodinville wrote on July 28, 2022 at 8:19 am
Requesting for prayers for the Grace and Gift of Faith through the intercession of St. Charbel for my children Christian, Christien, Christopher, Kristine and Krisette. That my children would accept Jesus as their Lord and Saviour and Our Blessed Virgin Mary and Grow in Love and Faith Thank you
Mrs Elham Azouri Kemp Mrs Elham Azouri Kemp from Auckland, New Zealand wrote on July 27, 2022 at 10:35 pm
Dear St Charbel, Saint of my birth country Lebanon, I ask you please to plead with God for the Quick and Complete Triumph of His Most Holy WILL here on earth as it's in Heaven, so that the era of peace promised by our Lady at Fatima and elsewhere will reign soon. I ask God thru your intercession for All the Graces we need to live n pray in God's Divine Will, to preserve in Faith, Hope n Charity, and the increase of those gifts in us, for all the gifts of the Holy Spirit, especially those we individually are in most need of, for the grave to Carry our Crosses with joy and purpose, for guidance to navigate thru difficult times, for Healing where needed, for conversion of the living, especially the lukewarm, for my intentions, my husband's and children's intentions, for the salvation of the dying and for the Holy Souls in Purgatory. I pray this on behalf of all generations past, present n future and especially those related to us by blood or marriage, for my friends n family members, for our children and their partners or spouses, for All who asked for my prayers, or I promised to pray for, for those who need my prayers, for our enemies, for our politicians leaders and church officials, for the priests, seminarians and religious, for vacations. God Willing, Amen, Fiat !
Sonia Sonia from Milltown, NJ wrote on July 27, 2022 at 12:50 pm
I pray for your loving protection for my son, Gianni, and husband, Marco ... for health and peace. Thank you!
Geraldine Watson Geraldine Watson from Ballycastle wrote on July 26, 2022 at 12:15 am
St Charbel please help me I found you in medjugorie my poor husband died of cov I cud not b with him only to say he suffered terrible for 3 weeks he was a very good person an went to medjgorie with me we adopted r 3 children looked after r Grandaughter until her mum got better an now we have r grand son who has a serious learning disability his parents cud not look after him please give me the grace to see my husband to c if he's ok and in heaven please also help me to cum to terms with the loss of my best friend my soul mate my everything I cannot believe he is gone please please help me and give me strenght to look after my beautiful grand. Son St Charbel thank you please help me x
Marie Espinosa Marie Espinosa from California wrote on July 25, 2022 at 4:36 am
St.Charbel, as a cancer survivor please continue to heal my body, removed all the cancer cell in my body, allow me to live a long life so i can be able to help my family. Protect me and my family in any danger, guide me, my family especially my son Brian and give us peace and contented life. In Jesus name. AMEN.
Renee Kuriger Renee Kuriger from Warrington, PA wrote on July 24, 2022 at 5:09 pm
I need a miracle for my daughter Kristen Lauren Kuriger to stop drinking, may she fine peace, love and happiness! Amen ~
Jennifer Matherne Jennifer Matherne from Houma wrote on July 24, 2022 at 4:43 pm
I just learned of St. Charbel yesterday. Such a holy man. I definitely need his intercession for my daughter Lacey. She is a way from God and the church. St. Charbel please pray for Lacey and my family. Jennifer
BILL HARRISON BILL HARRISON from METROPOLIS IL wrote on July 24, 2022 at 10:33 am
Constance M Petro Constance M Petro from Azusa wrote on July 20, 2022 at 10:51 pm
St. Charbel - Please Bless & Heal my Husband - His Family. Pls Bless me as a Healthcare Provider to Care for my pt.s and facilitate their Health - Pls guide me to Serve Our Lord Jesus Christ 100% and Only live my life in Our G.d's Will - Amen Sister Constance
Elen Viki Beran Elen Viki Beran from Chomutov, The Czech Republic wrote on July 14, 2022 at 8:37 pm
Please, pray for my heart surgery on 7.20.2022. I will pray for all of you.
marguerite marguerite from hun wrote on July 7, 2022 at 6:10 pm
I ask St. Charbel for my health to cure me, the doctors don't seem to care to help me, please St. Charbel for now on you will be my doctor to go to for my health. Please St. Charbel I ask you to please bring my son Anthon, back home to his family, converted and a new man of God, and let God's light shine on him, help him to find a good paying job with a good heart Christian workers, enlighten him so that he will leave that person that is keeping him away from becoming holy and return to the catholic faith, and unblock any situation or person(s) that is stopping him from from his conversion to the holy sacraments and confession. St. Charbel I also ask your intercession for my son Christoph to heal him from insomnia and alcohol addiction and for his conversion to the catholic faith and that he will find a good job with good heart Christian supervisor. Please heal my son Ernes from alcohol addictions, and pray for his conversion to the catholic faith, and pray for his relationship with his girlfriend, not the right one please help him find a good catholic wife intelligent and beautiful noble honest heart for my 3 sons. Through the Most Precious Blood of Jesus Crist, St. Charbel intercede for me keep me company during this novena process and grant me all favors and petitions requested through this novena. St. Charbel pray for us.
Patricia B. Patricia B. from Lake Worth wrote on June 19, 2022 at 10:53 pm
St. Charbel, I ask that you please be my spiritual father like St. John Paul II is. As with him, I give you all that I am and have: my 3 children & loved ones; my heart, mind, body & spirit; my past, present & future; my finances and every aspect of my home; my addictions and broken places; and my walk w God. Please come, I invite you joyfully.
Judith Judith from Aurora wrote on June 16, 2022 at 10:37 am
For my health I humbly pray. For healing of the aneurysm. Amen.
Theresa Molloy Theresa Molloy from Dublin wrote on June 12, 2022 at 10:12 pm
Please st charbel pray that my left eye will return to health and my eye sight will get better also the migraine’s I suffer from will get better. Please pray for me. St Anthony please pray for me. Thank you for all your prayers.
Lee Lee from Montville wrote on June 8, 2022 at 2:50 pm
May God bless you all. I would like to ask if you off masses for intentions, such as for healing of a named person, and what the stipend or donation is acceptable for each mass requested. Especially I would like to know if you offer novena masses for St. Charbel's feast day in July. God bless You. Lee
Mario Mario from Sydney wrote on June 5, 2022 at 6:30 am
Dear St Charbel please pray for me that my knee will be cured Amen
Ruben Belfort Crissiuma de Figueiredo Neto Ruben Belfort Crissiuma de Figueiredo Neto from São Paulo wrote on May 29, 2022 at 4:30 pm
Pela Saúde da Minha Família Matins Passos, Nogueira Soares, Belfort Crissiuma Figueiredo, Sarkis, Abraão, Lattif, Cavalcante, Oliveira, Geribello, Brandão,
Lotus Lotus from Tirana wrote on May 24, 2022 at 10:36 pm
Please help me, as I am in a very diffucult financial struggle Amen 🙏🏼🙏🏼